Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Flame Nebula and The Horsehead Nebula

The Flame Nebula (NGC2024) and The Horsehead Nebula (Bernard33) sticking its head out of the red glowing Nebula IC434. In the constellation Orion.
The blue reflection nebula between the Horsehead and Flame nebula is NGC2024.
Celestron 80ED - 600 mm, f7.5 with 0,8 reducer/flattener, Canon 40D modified - no filters, guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and NexImage videocamera.
20x5min ISO1600, darks.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

NGC1977 the Running Man in Orion

The NGC1977 is a reflection nebula in the constallation Orion. The nick name 'The Running Man' is a good one.
1500 LY away from us, the light intensive stars in the region reflects all the dust and gas around them.
26x5 min, ISO 1600 with CPC 11, 2800 mm, f10 and Canon 40D modified. Guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and NexImage. Darks.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

M74 - NGC628 in Pisces

The spiral galaxy M74/NGC628 in Pisces, about 30 MLY away. A low surface object not quite easy to get. Here is my first try.

Celestron CPC11, focal lenght 2800 mm, f10, Canon 40D modified. Guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and NexImage.

10 x 10 min, ISO 1600, darks.

Friday, October 9, 2009

IC5134 and NGC7129 in constellation Cepheus.

The reflection nebula IC 5134 and associated star cluster NGC 7129. 3000 LY away from us. Unfortunately the moon was up all night.

CPC 1100, 2800 mm, f10, Guided with Stellarvue 200mm, f4 and NexImage video camera.

15x10 min ISO 1600 with Canon 40D (modified).