Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, September 28, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
NGC7640 Galaxy in Andromeda.
Image is made out of 4 sub exposures of 10 min each in LRGB. Telescope C11 at f10 on AP1200GTO. Camera ApogeeAltaF16M. Guided with Williams Optics 110 and StarlightXpress Superstar Monocamera.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
NGC891 Galaxy in Adromeda
The Galaxy NGC891 is 30 MLY from us in the constellation Andromeda. The image is taken in September 2012 using C11/f10 and Apogee AltaF16M on the AP1200 GTO. The galaxy is about 13x3 ArcMin at Mag 10.8.
The conditions were not good and only 40 min exposure in LRGB using 10 min exposures. Stacked in MaxImDl, no PhotoShop edit this time. Guiding with Williams Optics 110 and StarlightXpress Superstar. I hope to add more data to the image later.
The conditions were not good and only 40 min exposure in LRGB using 10 min exposures. Stacked in MaxImDl, no PhotoShop edit this time. Guiding with Williams Optics 110 and StarlightXpress Superstar. I hope to add more data to the image later.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
M65 Galaxy in Leo
M65 is a beautiful galaxy in the constellation Leo. One of the three galaxies called Leo triplet. It is 35 MLY from us and was first discovered in 1780 by C. Messier.
The image is taken using Canon 40D (modified), AtroPhysics 1200 and a Celestron C11. 52 images at ISO 1600 and 6 min stacked in MaxIm and processed in Photoshop.
The image is taken using Canon 40D (modified), AtroPhysics 1200 and a Celestron C11. 52 images at ISO 1600 and 6 min stacked in MaxIm and processed in Photoshop.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Hercules cluster of Galaxies, 450 MLY away
The image contains about 30 galaxies in Hercules cluster of galaxies. In the middle the NGC 6050/IC 1179 (Arp 272) is a remarkable collision between two spiral galaxies. The galaxy cluster is part of the Great Wall of clusters and superclusters, the largest known structure in the universe. Arp 272 is located some 450 million light-years away from Earth.
5 subs 900 sec, ISO 1600 with AP1200, C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 mm and NexImage videocamera.
5 subs 900 sec, ISO 1600 with AP1200, C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 mm and NexImage videocamera.
Globular Cluster M92
The Globular Cluster Messier 92 in Hercules is a beautiful cluser not far from M13.
It is 27 kLY from the Earth and a nice target for astrophoto as well as visual observing. The image is taken with AP 1200 and C11, Canon 40D plus Williams Optics 110 mm Williams Optics and NexImage for guiding. The image is made of 42 subs with 90-120-240 sec at ISO 1600.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Supernova in galaxy M51

Earlier this summer, a Supernova appeared in the M51 galaxy in constallation Ursa Major.
The Supernova is show marked with a circle from a image taken 17 of September 2011. As comparison I have added a image I took in 2009 of the same galaxy.
AP1200 with C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 and NexImage videocamera. 5 images of 10 min, ISO 1600, Canon 40D modified.
Supernova in galaxy M101

24. of August this year, Oxford university astronomers discovered a Supernova called SN2011fe, in the Pinnwheel galaxy M101 in Ursa Minor. See the circle marker in the photo taken in 17 Sept 2009. The Supernova has brightened day by day since its discovery, quite astonishing! As comparison I have added the last picture I have taken of the galaxy in April 2009.
AP1200 with C1100 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 with NexImage videocamera. 11 images of 10 min, ISO 3200, Canon 40D modified.
The Fireworks Galaxy NGC6946

Image taken using AstroPhysics 1200 with Celestron C11 at f10, guided with Williams Optics APO 110 and NexImage video camera. 10 images of 10 min, ISO 1600.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
NGC4631 - The Whale Galaxy
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
M82 The Cigar Galaxy.
M27 in constellation Vulpecula
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Elephant Nebula in Ha
The Flame Nebual and Horsehead Nebula in Orion.
Messier 33 in the Triangulum

Messier 33 in Triangulum is a beautiful galaxy 'only' 3 MLY from us.
Williams Optics 110 Refractor with FR0.8. Astro Phystics 1200 mount.
Canon 40D modified, 13x5min and 13x10 exposures ISO 1600.
With a diameter of about 50,000 light years, the Triangulum galaxy is the third largest member of the Local Group, a group of galaxies which also contains the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy, and it may be a gravitationally bound companion of the Andromeda Galaxy. Triangulum may be home to 40 billion stars, compared to 400 billion for the Milky Way, and 1000 billion stars for Andromeda.[:)]
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Messier 49 in Virgo Cluster

The M49 is a elliptic galaxy in the constellation Virgo and a part of the Virgo cluster of many galaxies. M49 has mag8,5 and is about 60 MLY away. It is estimated to be 160 000 LY across.
There are at least 6 other galaxies in the image, NGC4464/NGC4465/NGC4467/ NGC4471/IC3417/NGC4470
Celestron CPC11/focal reducer 0,63/Canon 40D modified. Guided with NexImage and Stellarvue 200mm/f4.
6x5 min and 10x2 min at ISO 800
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The M109 Galaxy in Ursa Major

The Galaxy Messier 109, NGC3992 is a fine barred spiral galaxy in Ursa Major with Mag10,6 (13200 x fainter than Vega). It is about 46 MLY away from us. The faint galaxy to the left is UGC06969 (Mag15.4 - 132xfainter than M109) and the other one below the M109 is UGC06940(Mag16.7 - 275xfainter than M109). If you look even more carefully there are at least two more faint galaxies in the image.
The image is a result from a frustrating night with guiding problems. CPC 1100, 2240 mm, f 8 (WO 0.8 Reducer/Flattner) and Canon 40D modified. 7x10 min at ISO1600, guided, flats, darks.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Crab Nebula M1 in Taurus with no filters

The nebula was first observed by John Bevis in 1731, and corresponds to a bright supernova recorded by Chinese and Arab astronomers in 1054. About 6500 LY from us and 11 LY across. It is called the Crab Nebula here imaged in a Ha, Oiii and RGB sandwich. CPC11, 2000 mm with f 6,3. About 3 hours exposure time, 190 min, ISO1600 without filter. Camera Canon 40 D modified, guided, darks, flats.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Crab Nebula, Messier1 using Ha and Oiii

The nebula was first observed by John Bevis in 1731, and corresponds to a bright supernova recorded by Chinese and Arab astronomers in 1054. About 6500 LY from us and 11 LY across. It is called the Crab Nebula here imaged in a Ha, Oiii and RGB sandwich. CPC11, 2000 mm with f 6,3. About 3 hours exposure time, 130 min Ha, 20 min Oiii, 40 min RGB, ISO1600. Camera Canon 40 D modified, guided, darks, flats.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Christmas Tree and the Cone Nebula - NGC2264

The Christmas Tree Nebula (upside down) including the Cone Nebula at the bottom is in constallation Monoceros. The top of the Cone Nebula has a bright star forming the christmas tree top. The bright bluee and red nebula in the middle of tht picture is the Foxfur nebula. About 2600 LY from us.
Celestron 80ED refractor, 600mm at f7,5 piggy back on CPC1100, Canon 40D modified with Ha, Oiii filter.ISO 1600, 9x10min Ha, 6x10min Oiii, 6x10min RGB.
Adjusted in MaximDL and Photshop.
No darks and flats. A cold night at minus 22 DegrC.
Guided with Stellarvue 200mm, f4 and NexImage videocamera using MaxImDL
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Rosette Nebula in Monoceros in Ha

The Rosette Nebula with NGC 2244 star cluster in its middle is beautiful. The mass of the nebula is estimated to be around 10,000 solar masses.
The cluster and nebula lie at a distance of some 5,200 LY from Earth and measure roughly 130 LY in diameter. It is my first Ha picture. Conditions: minus 20 C and moonlight.
Celestron ED80 - 600 mm at f7.5 piggyback on CPC 1100, Canon 40D modified, Astronomic 12nm Ha filter.
16 x 10 min at ISO 1600. Darks and flats, guided with Stellarvue 200mm f4, NexImage video camera and MaxImDL.
I will revisit the nebula on a later occation to get more data with and without filters.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Flame Nebula and The Horsehead Nebula

The Flame Nebula (NGC2024) and The Horsehead Nebula (Bernard33) sticking its head out of the red glowing Nebula IC434. In the constellation Orion.
The blue reflection nebula between the Horsehead and Flame nebula is NGC2024.
Celestron 80ED - 600 mm, f7.5 with 0,8 reducer/flattener, Canon 40D modified - no filters, guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and NexImage videocamera.
20x5min ISO1600, darks.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
NGC1977 the Running Man in Orion

The NGC1977 is a reflection nebula in the constallation Orion. The nick name 'The Running Man' is a good one.
1500 LY away from us, the light intensive stars in the region reflects all the dust and gas around them.
26x5 min, ISO 1600 with CPC 11, 2800 mm, f10 and Canon 40D modified. Guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and NexImage. Darks.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The center of the Nebula NGC 281 in Cassiopeia - The Pacman Nebula

The NGC 281 Nebula in Casseopeia - The Pacman Nebula, is quite hard to get. The field of view in my picture does not quite cover the whole nebula. I will have to come back on the target with larger field of view using my refractor later.
The Nebual is about 10 kLY from us and IC 1590 in the center is an open cluster of stars. It is believed to be a Nebula with star formation.
Telescope Celestron CPC 11, 2800 mm, f10 with Canon 40D modified, guided with Stellarvue 200 mm, f4 and Neximage.
5x10 min ISO 1600.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Messier 52 Open Cluster and The Bubble Neblua, NGC7635

The M52 in the upper center of the image is an open cluster in Cassiopeia with about 200 stars.
The Bubble Nebula in the middle right of the image has a very distinct 'bubble' emmison nebula.
The image is a crop from in the upper right coner, thus some coma in the picture.
Celeston ED80, 600 mm, f7.5, 3x 10 min ISO 800, guided.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Western Veil nebula, NGC6960

NGC6960, The Western Veil nebula in Cygnus is beautiful. The large star is 52 Cygnus, mag about 4. The image has been obtained by Celestron 80ED refractor 600mm f7,5 - piggy back on CPC 11, Canon 40D modified DSLR, 14x10 min at ISO 1600 and full moon. 20 darks, no flats. Guided with NexImage and Stellarvue 200mmf4 guide scope. Full frame.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Andromeda Galaxy M31

We finally have got some decent dark skies here in Norway. My first image this autumn is Andromeda - M31-M32- M110.
The Andromeda galaxy is our nabour galaxy only 2.5 MLY away. It has trillions of stars and Magitude 4.4, you can see it easy with a binocular under dark skies.
Celestron ED80 piggyback on CPC 1100 - 600 mm f7.5, Canon 40D modified, 30x4 min guided, ISO 800, 20 darks, no flats.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Messier 58-59-60 and many more Galaxies

This image shows 10 galaxies I identified in the constellation Virgo. By a closer look there are even many more there, but you need a magnified view to see them.
From left to right across the picture are:M60 (elliptic galaxy)at 55MLY with its companion NGC4647, lower in the image NGC4667, M59 (elliptic galaxy) 60 MLY, high up NGC4606 and NGC4607, M58 (spiral galaxy) at 68 MLY, lower - The Siamese Twins NGC4568 and NGC4567, finally a little higher up NGC4564. All NGCs are galaxies. In M60 there is a Black Hole with 3.4 billions solar masses.
15 subs each 9 min, ISO800 with Canon 40D using C80ED, guided. Not ideal conditions, no real dark skies here in May.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Messier 97 and 108 in Ursa Major

The planetary nebula M97, also called Owl Nebula is bottom left in the picture. 2.6 kLY away and Mag 9.9. It is believed to be formed 6000 years ago.
The spiral galaxy M108 seen from the edge is about 50 MLY away with Mag 10.7.
The image was made out of 14 subs (5 at 3 min, 9 at 6 min), ISO 1600, light polluted sky, Telescope C 80ED (600mm, f7.5), Canon 40D, Guided.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Messier81, Messier82 and NGC3077

The M81, M82 and NGC3077 in constellation Ursa Major. M81 (bottom right) is 11.8 MLY away with mag 7.8. M82 (top right) is 11.5 MLY away with mag 9.3 and the smaller NGC3077 is 12.8 MLY away with mag 10.6. 14 images each 6 min, ISO1600 with Canon 40D(modified) through Celestron C80ED, 600 mm, f7.5. Guided with Stellarvue 200 mm f4, Neximage videocamera.
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